The Dog and The Bone

The Dog and The Bone

the dog and the boneOnce upon a time, there lived a stray dog in a small town.

One day, the dog got a juicy bone from a butcher’s shop. All excited, he picked it up and looked for a secluded place to enjoy it at ease.

He ran to a nearby river side to enjoy the bone all by himself. As he was chewing the bone, he happened to look down into the river. The dog was quite surprised as he saw his own reflection in the river.the dog and the bone He mistook it for another dog with a juicy bone in its mouth.

The greedy dog wanted to snatch that bone also. So, he opened his mouth to bark at his own reflection, hoping to scare the other dog away so that he could get that bone too. But, alas ! the bone fell down from his mouth into the river with a splash. The dog lost his piece of bone because of his greed and had to away hungry. 

Moral of the dog and the bone story

Don’t be greedy

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