The Old Lion and The Fox

The Old Lion and The Fox

The Old Lion and The FoxOnce upon a time, there lived an old lion in a forest. As he grew weak due to old age, he found it difficult to hunt any prey for his food. So, the lion thought of a plan to stay his stomach. He decided to lie down in the cave and pretend that he is ill and then whosoever will come to inquire about his health will become his prey. The Old Lion and The Fox

Being the king of the forest the lion announced he is not well. The old lion put his wicked plan into practice and it started working. Many of his well-wishers got killed.

One day, a clever fox came to visit the sick lion. He stood on the outside of the cave and looked about. He discovered the lion's trick. He asked the lion from outside the den “ How are you, sir?”

The Old Lion and The Fox“I am not well at all. Why don’t you come inside and meet me? “replied the lion.

“No, thank you, sir. I can see footprints leading inside but none going outside. Still, if I come inside I would be a fool “ said the fox and left the cave.The Old Lion and The Fox In this way, the fox saved his life and helped to save the life other animals also by informing them about the lion's trick.

Moral of the story

  1. Be alert and pay attention to the surroundings
  2. Never trust a fake person

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