
What are Virtues?

Years of observation & analysis have shown us that instilling virtues in ourselves and our children is one of the best ways to build a better world. So, what are virtues? Virtues are the positive qualities that can bring a lot of joy and peace to individuals & families.

I would like to recall the famous quote by Eleanor Roosevelt which says “Happiness is not a goal. It is a by-product of a life well-lived ". So, how do define a well-lived life? The perfect definition can be beyond summarization. It is to lead a good purposeful life that is honorable, generous & compassionate. Don’t we all long for this happiness & satisfaction that comes from a well-lived life? How can we be these good role models for people around us? Let’s try breaking it down & understand it more clearly. 

We all are responsible individuals in our everyday life- in our families, in our offices, and our societies. Isn’t it? We all want a successful life filled with a harmonious, loving & peaceful family, fulfilling friendships & rewarding careers. As parents we want our children to be understanding, happy & loving. And the secret to all these lies within you. Virtues are universally considered as basic qualities for your well-being. When we intentionally form virtuous habits, we open ourselves to a better version of ourselves. 

Virtues are your gift of self that helps us to have a sound mind. We all know that mental health is just as important as physical health. Both are so inter-relatable that one can’t be healthy without the other. Just as the popular American singer Demi Lovato stated “ just because you can’t see a mental health issue like you see a broken bone doesn’t mean its not as detrimental or devastating to a family or an individual. So we need to take care of our minds. A sound mind is essential because your mind impacts your thoughts, words, attitude, behaviors & emotions.  When you have a healthy mind, you get to be more happy, genuine, compassionate, kind, generous, grateful, true, confident, content & purposeful. Moreover, it helps you to do things more productively & successfully. 

Life has this funny habit of throwing lemons at us at the most inopportune time. Isn’t it? It is natural to have negative feelings during those times. As the popular quote goes “ falling down is not a problem, not trying to get up is”.  Virtues are the armors that equip us to be resilient & spring back from the challenges, tests & difficulties of life which we all face at some point of our life.

Virtues not just prepare and equip you for a better & fulfilling life but also save you from being the person that makes other’s life miserable. There has been an alarming increase in bullying cases around the globe. Before social media, bullying was confined to school & college grounds. With social media, now there is a whole new cyber-bullying that is not leaving any race, gender, age or class. How can we equip ourselves & the coming generation to use the digital platforms responsibly? 

Yes, we have a huge responsibility on us. So, let's not get complacent. It is highly important to teach & inculcate all the virtues in our children who are our future.  The easiest way to teach virtues to our kids is by making them understand the concepts through simple stories. It is good to take advantage of the formative ages for character building. 

Virtues will help every individual lead a meaningful & successful life.  So, embrace your virtues now. They are your superheroes for life.