The Fox and The Crow

The Fox and The Crow

The Fox and The CrowA cunning fox was having a stroll in the forest when he noticed a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak. His mouth started watering seeing the cheese.

He walked up to the tree and said “I have never seen a bird as gracious and beautiful as you. How glossy your feathers are. Your eyes are sparkling like a diamond. If you have a voice as beautiful as you look I'll have to call you the queen of all birds”.The Fox and The Crow

The crow was flattered hearing such compliments. The fox continued “ I would be pleased if you can sing a song for me”. On hearing this, the crow forgot about the cheese in her mouth and immediately open her mouth and began to sing caw caw caw. The cheese fell down into the waiting mouth of the fox below. He ate the cheese and said, “that’s all I wanted”. The crow realized that she had fallen for the fox's trick and felt very bad.

Moral of the fox and the crow story

Beware of flatterers

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