The Wolf and The Crane

The Wolf and The Crane

One day, a hungry wolf was devouring his prey so rapidly that a bone got stuck in his throat. He ran around the forest howling in pain. He tried every remedy he knew but was unable to dislodge the bone. In despair, he started asking everyone for the help. “May be the crane can help you” suggested the fox. The wolf went to crane and said I would give you anything if you help me take out the bone”. The crane took pity on the wolf. Even though the task was dangerous the lure of the profit motived the crane to help. The crane made the wolf open his mouth as wide as he could and took out the bone from the wolf's throat.

“You promised to give anything if I helped you,” said the crane. The wolf just grinned and said “You put your head in a wolf's mouth and you are still alive.  That is the biggest gift I can give you. You received your gift already”. The crane walked away disappointed.

Moral of the story

Be careful when dealing with crafty people.

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